Thursday, December 31, 2009

The Beginning

Welcome to my New Years Resolution!

I have been considering starting a blog about my ever growing and still learning frugal little family. I think I have a lot of good knowledge about frugal living but I know we still have a lot to learn and a lot of self control to learn. What a better time then at the beginning of a new year.

I am not big on resolutions because I am very OCD about things and I really stress about the failure that usually follows a few months in. Im not as concerned this year because I have written a blog in the past (which did fizzle out after a few months due to my own reasons but still...) and I have been tightening out belt since we were married last year.

Hope everyone enjoys what I have to write and say even though I am sure that our opinions on frugal and extreme may come to differ as this blog grows.

Here is to a wonderful and Blessed 2010 for my family and yours!

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